How to write project case studies for your portfolio

How to pick projects for portfolio presentation

  • Create a list of projects you have completed in the past three years.
  • Carefully review the following questions.
  • Assign a point for each affirmative answer.
  • A higher score indicates a greater likelihood of the project being the fittest for an interview.

How to structure your case study

  • People or business problem
  • Solution and key design elements
  • The role, individual contribution, XFN
  • If you feel more comfortable with STAR (situation, task, actions, results), use that.

How to talk about the problem statement and research

  • State the problem in one sentence.
  • Define the audience and why that problem was important for them
  • Explain why you picked that problem
  • Think about the expected outcome: what did you want to achieve before approaching the problem?

How to talk about solution and key design elements

Showcase your results.

How to talk about my role, contribution, XFN (cross-functional)

Explain your individual contribution.

How to write for portfolio presentation and case study

  • To simplify our calculation, let’s suggest you have 10 minutes per project, that's 640 words per project (excluding questions and jokes).
  • You have to cover a lot of ground: problem statement, solution, and your contribution.
  • Speech is vastly different from reading (it takes longer to pronounce than to read).
  • Nobody reads on the internet. Short descriptions with specific titles help the hiring party to learn what they want.

How to design a portfolio presentation

  • Avoid large amounts of text. Keep titles only.
  • Use LARGE images because you don't know what kind of devices people will use to watch your presentation (if online).
  • Use one screen/layout per slide. Don't cram different layouts/screens into one slide, it is very misleading and ambiguous (harder to understand).
Get ready.
Practice with designers, get feedback, and improve your portfolio presentation.
Get hired.
Connect with hiring managers once you practiced your presentation.
Start now →

The fast track to your portfolio presentation

These tasks are designed to get you interview-ready as soon as possible.

Step 1. Test your presentation draft with a peer.

Review basic facts about interviews.
Explain one project.
Watch a candidate's presentation.
Design a presentation for just one project.
Practice your presentation.

Step 2. Learn from feedback, add complexity, and practice again.

Describe one more project.
Introduce yourself.
Update your presentation.
Book a peer for the next week.
Practice your presentation a second time.

Step 3. Practice more and pick your best take.

Practice your presentation a third time.
Pick the video you want to share with hiring managers.
The video you picked becomes your profile.

Step 4. Hiring managers will connect with you.

Hiring managers reach out to you directly.
You can continue practicing and replace the video you share as you see fit.